Brexit can't and will not happen
Now that Parliament has the right to vote on the final deal, it is very likely that the Conservative government will support a public referendum on the deal as they will loose a vote in House of Commons.
The facts are such:
Government’s technical House of Commons majority: 13
Rebel MPs needed to block the majority: 7
Votes lost by the government since June: 11
Theresa May's pre-referendum position: Remain
Remain opinion poll lead since referendum: 2%-8%
Total Remain MPs in Conservative government: 176 of 317
Total hardline "Leave Means Leave" MPs in Conservative government: 50 of 317
(Source: Pantheon Macroeconomics)
So unless over 100 Conservative MPs who voted remain, change their minds and the Labour party continues not to reflect the views of its members: Only 4.2% of Labour members said they definitely believed Britain should leave. (Source: Economic and Social Research Council) then we will not leave the European Union.
So everyone needs to stand up and say stop article 50
However a further referendum may still not support Remain unless the government of the day is actually seen to be doing something to reduce economic inequality: increase income for lower earners with real living wage and income tax cuts and ensure the wealth we all help create is shared more equitably by a fair tax on assets, land and corporate profits which will be invested in health, education, housing and infrastructure for the good of all in this nation.