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Where is the vision?

My latest piece for UK's Liberal Democrat Voice:

Our nation is at a crossroads, if we take the wrong path we could fall off the cliff. Britain lacks strong leadership, there is no clear vision and there is certainly no plan. Our country is confused, our people are perplexed and our neighbours think we are crazy.

And above all our governments have consistently neglected the prosperity of our people, the millions who everyday are struggling with unnecessary financial hardship; Promises have been made but there has been no follow through. We have been sold austerity as inevitable when prosperity is possible.

Politics for the privileged is no longer acceptable, the people want change, they told us that with the referendum vote, they told us that with the 2017 election. While the Liberal Democrats did not do nearly as well as we would like, we undoubtedly have appealing values and policies but we just did not communicate the message clearly.

The party has a huge opportunity but a very short window to make a big impact. The other two parties are in chaos, lacking strong leadership and direction. We must seize the chance, to make sure that more and more voters know what we stand for, and realise we offer the best way forward. For we are the party of common sense, of moderation but we are also a progressive party, with progressive fresh ideas, the radical centre, the real alternative.

We need a clear vision for our party, our country and its place in the world. Not with empty rhetoric but with real practical proposals that are inclusive and make a real difference to real people. A vision to unite our country, to create change, to move us forward with a clear direction, which will bring the opportunity of, shared prosperity for all.

This means a new rejuvenated Liberal Democrat party firmly committed to Europe but also committed to sharing the wealth we all create and in so doing move the whole country from austerity to prosperity.

With Vince, we have a knowledgeable, experienced statesman, an economist and former cabinet minister who has the capability and credibility to lead this country forward to a bright future and a strong place in the world. We have front bench team with more government experience than the Labour Party. We have members than the Conservatives. We just need more votes. Our challenge is to communicate our message, so that voters know what we stand for and believe we can win.

Thankfully Vince knows we need a vision and need to sharpen our branding and presentation. Nationally a communications strategy is required that delivers our message right to the voter to support our incredible grassroots teams.

So let us create a bold vision, develop a clear strategy and propose a practical precise policy platform that is clearly understood, differentiated from other parties and truly makes life better for those that have little, not just those that have lots!

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