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The Case for a Maximum Wage

I am looking forward to seeing a copy of this new book due out in May 2018: The Case for a Maximum Wage, by my friend Sam Pizzigati, published by Polity. Sam is a veteran labor journalist and associate fellow of Washington DC based Institute for Policy Studies, he co-edits, the Institute's weekly newsletter on society's great divides. Sam very kindly gave me a great endorsement for my 2016 book: From Here to Prosperity.

Here is the info from the publisher:

Modern societies set limits, on everything from how fast motorists can drive to how much waste factory owners can dump in our rivers. But incomes in our deeply unequal world have no limits. Many of our largest corporations pay their executives more in a morning than their workers can earn in a year.

Could capping top incomes tackle our rising inequality more effectively than conventional approaches to narrowing our vast economic divides? In this engaging book, leading analyst Sam Pizzigati details how egalitarians worldwide are demonstrating that a "maximum wage" could be both economically viable and politically practical. One major city in the United States has already enacted a penalty levy on enterprises with wide divides between worker and executive pay. Activists in other global jurisdictions are working to deny these inequality-generating enterprises government contracts, subsidies, and tax breaks.

Governments could go further still and start using their tax systems to enforce fair income ratios between rich and poor across the board. The ultimate goal? That ought to be, Pizzigati argues, a world without a super rich. His clear-sighted analysis vividly explains why we need to create that world - and how we could speed its creation.

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